Image of the day

Captured by
Gerald Elkin

Roseate Spoonbill

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Astromart Supporters

Astromart Supporters has been set up for those that would like to help pay some of the considerable costs of operating and maintaining Astromart. It is for non commercial interests. Your support is appreciated.

DEALERS and OEM's are still required to sponsor (ask us for a rate sheet and we will be happy to send you one)

Support Levels

Lifetime Supporter Your classified ads will permanently appear bold black in the listings and your name will stay on the Astromart supporter list.
Brown Level All of your classified ads will appear bold brown in the listings and your name will appear on the Astromart supporter list for one year.
Red Level All of your classified ads will appear bold red in the listings and your name will appear on the Astromart supporter list for 6 months.
Green Level All of your classified ads will appear bold green in the listings and your name will appear on the Astromart supporter list for 3 months.
Purple Level All of your classified ads will appear bold purple in the listings and your name will appear on the Astromart supporter list for 1 month.