Image of the day

Captured by
Ralph Ford

Jupiter and Io

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Lease Observatory in Bortle 2

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I offer a shared observatory located in the south of Spain with a 21,5 quality sky.

It would be rented monthly with a 50% remote access of the total nights/year. The two tubes side-by-side allow us to obtain 100% data even if we have 50% of the time available.
Everything is motorized and ready to be used remotely through RDP.

The equipment to share:

The equipment to share:
Telescope APO 100/600 f/4
Telescope APO 80/480 f/5
Mount EQ8
Camera1 SBIG ST-8300M
FW1: L Ha OIII SII Filters
Camera2 SBIG ST-8300M
Allsky Camera
2xPegasus AstroPowerBox
2xPegasus FocusCube
Flat Panel

Zenith Sky Brightness:
SQM 21.91 mag./arc sec2
Bortle class 2
Elevation 1329 meters

Other remote equipment with computer, etc.
Host PC running Windows 10
Software: NINA, Stellarium, Discord and data transfer Synology Drive Client or FTP

Price: 300€/monthly
Do not hesitate to contact me for further information.
