Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Anyone else having to log in for every page?

Started by msholdenct, 01/09/2007 10:14PM
Posted 01/09/2007 10:14PM Opening Post
My ISP at home was sold, and changed my IP address and now I'm having to log onto Astromart for every single page I view, even if I tell AM to keep me logged in.

Is this an AM problem, or is my ISP doing something funky?

To clarify, I'm not leaving the AM system - if I click on a forum name, I'll need to sign in. If I then click on one of the listed messages, I'll need to sign in again.

Posted 01/10/2007 04:48AM #1
Hi Mark how are things going ... I'm not having like that ... must be you ISP...say hi to the boys over there in CT.


R.A.C. Advisory Committee
NEAIC Co-Chairman
NEAF Advisory Committee
Warwick, New York
41.15984 -74.2541

[B]Takahashi MT 160

10" F4.5 Newt 8O
R200SS grin
Some kind of 127mm APO

Orion Atlas EQ-G
Losmandy G11 with Gemini
iOptron Mimi Tower
iOptrom Cube Pro

Image Source 21AU04.AS