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Errors when trying to become a sponsor

Started by DaveWagner, 04/15/2008 02:39PM
Posted 04/15/2008 02:39PM Opening Post
Sorry for posting this here, but I couldn't figure out where/how to do it otherwise (the Help & FAQ link in bottom left leads nowhere). I just tried (twice) to sign up as a AM Sponsor, and each time received the following error:

POSSend error '80040003'

Error sending the data. Error -2147221500, Failed to connect

D:\INETPUB\VHOSTS\ASTROMART.COM\HTTPDOCS\SUPPORT\../common/lib_pos_partner.asp, line 356

I have three questions:

1) did my sponsorship go through (i.e. my CC get charged?
2) if it DID go through, did I get charge twice
3) if it didn't go through, how do I actually become a sponsor?

Herb: if you respond via my Inbox, that'd probably be best.

Thanks in advance.

Posted 04/15/2008 06:39PM #1
Ditto, same type of error, 1:40 pm EDT when submitting support payment.

Send a message to inbox if possible indicating whether it went through