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Why so many heated arguments$

Started by DonDurbin, 03/24/2004 01:43AM
Posted 03/24/2004 01:43AM Opening Post
To All,

I think, at first, it may be just a matter of spending a large amount of money on a product and then being told by someone else that you bought the wrong one.

Then the personalities begin to get involved.

I myself, mild mannered person that I am,:>) must admit to being caught up in the heat of the moment a time or two. :>0

I guess after all the fighting, there is no way peace can ever be had. This forum is really a small middle east. We all have our own religions or manufacturers as the case may be.

So I say we should just give up all hope. Who is with me? We all take this stuff way too seriously.

Don Durbin
Posted 03/24/2004 02:07AM #1
I think that all Binoviewers are over priced! Heck I can buy a very nice pair of binoculars for a lot less money. In fact I could have several pairs with different magnification and FOV for the same money as just the Binoviewer with no EPs.
Well, am I starting a fire yet? ;^)

[SIZE="Large"][/SIZE][COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR] Floyd Blue grin
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