CG5 North compared to GP north

Started by TBUSH, 01/12/2003 06:13AM
Posted 01/12/2003 06:13AM Opening Post
Can anyone help me figure out why a CG5 mounting ring has north in between the tripod legs as opposed to a Vixen GP mounting ring having north directly over a tripod leg. The Vixen North over a tripod leg seems to be much more stable(less tippy).
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance
Posted 01/12/2003 03:38PM #1
I did not like the orientation of the mount in relationship to the legs with the CG5 either. By placing the front of the scope and the declination/counterweight shaft between 2 legs as opposed to over one it is more susceptable to being tipped forward and over when in the so called "resting position". I cannot speculate as to why this was changed when the more traditional and stable position had worked for years with the Vixen Super Polaris, SP-DX, Great Polaris, GP-DX, the CG4 and early CG5's.

I changed mine too. I used a hacksaw and cut off the declination post. I then repositioned it in the correct place to put the front of the mount directly over a leg. It was reattached by tapping it and connecting it from the bottom with a threaded bolt. I also reinforced the surgical site with some JB Weld.

Barry Simon