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Meade Buys Coronado? Good Grief!

Started by wrroy, 10/21/2004 04:06PM
Posted 10/21/2004 04:06PM Opening Post
I'm so glad I just received my beautifully machined PST.

Randy Roy
Posted 10/21/2004 04:53PM #1
Bummer. I knew I shouldn't have held out on the PST.

Midway, FL
Posted 10/21/2004 06:50PM #2
I was wondering what Meade was awarded in its lawsuit against Celestron. It might very well be that Celestron helped pay for this acquisition. How ironic!

Walter Locke
"The Fearless Spectator"

There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.
Richard Feynman
US educator & physicist (1918 - 1988)

Posted 10/21/2004 09:29PM #3

OK, I was bored... wink

Attached Image:

M. Olivares's attachment for post 84081
Posted 10/21/2004 10:32PM #4
I too have a beautifully machined PST, which I love. We all have read quite a bit of speculation along the lines of "how can Coronado make such a great high-tech product for $500.00?" Well, maybe they can't. I would not be surprised to see a big price increase (merely to include a profit for Meade.) Who really knows though? - Jim -
Posted 10/21/2004 11:16PM #5
I'll probably get my head chewed off, but I don't see the reason for all the negative reaction. Meade is a successful optics/telescope company which has introduced countless numbers of people to the hobby through their affordable products. Why does that make them bad? Is everyone saying that they'd rather see Coronado products disappear forever rather than this? That would have been the alternative.

Posted 10/22/2004 02:47AM #6
Guys, how about we wait and see...?
This MIGHT be a good thing after all... let's TRY not to be pesimistic about the whole "enchilada" here...

I personally have my Meade LX-200GPS for over 2 years now, and it's running as good it gets... (knocking on wood, crossing my fingers, have my lucky coin in my right pocket, a 4 leaf clover in my left pocket, etc, etc...)

Clear skies! and cheaper "but still as good" coronado products!


Ivan Gastaldo 8)
Coconut Creek, FL

Ivan's Observatory
Lat 26N 16' 48" Long 80W 10' 48"
[COLOR="Red"]Personal Website:[/COLOR]

CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky - Moderator
I like to complain about everything - Moderator