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RDFs vs APOs

Started by wrroy, 03/29/2004 02:22PM
Posted 03/29/2004 02:22PM Opening Post
Red Dot Finders

Advantages--Easy to use, Lightweight, Points at stuff, cheap.

Disadvantages--Non-magnifying, Requires batteries, Only points at stuff.


Advantages--Magnifies, doesn't require batteries, good for imaging/photography/visual use.

Disadvantages--all those eyepieces, requires mounting, needs finder to point at stuff, expensive.

That sums it up for me. I know this is a controversial subject with some, but based on this indepth analysis, if I had to choose between the two, I'd have to go with the RDF.

Randy--YMMV, IMHO, Please no flames. . .

Randy Roy
Posted 03/29/2004 07:31PM #1
David, you may notice that the 6x30 finder usually isn't free of color!! Also, there may be some spherical aberrations. Also, it only magnifies at one setting. You'd have the fallbacks of both designs sad