Image of the day

Captured by
Steven Yu

Triangulum Galaxy

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Started by wrroy, 11/24/2004 04:02AM
Posted 11/24/2004 04:02AM Opening Post

I never bashed green lasers. I have no problem with others using GLPs as finders on their solar scopes.

I was at a star party recently where a young man who was old enough to know better, tossed a paper wad into a rather large dob. It must have been an 18 or 20 incher, because he made a big deal out of doing a slam-dunk.

The gentleman who owned the scope was also in his late sixties. He took the kid out with a quick "one-two". I'm serious, he knocked the kid out.

This has nothing to do with green lasers, but I thought it was more interesting than the rest of this thread.


Randy Roy