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Re: Your Thoughts:

Started by wrroy, 11/08/2004 01:32AM
Posted 11/08/2004 01:32AM Opening Post

If you are into imaging, you may find the refractor undermounted. If you are only interested in visual, there are many other larger aperture, lighter weight options that are more portable than a 12" LX200GPS. Two that come to mind are Celestron's Nexstar 8 GPS (ergonically excellent) and Meade's LX-90 (has to be one of the best values ever).

I have a Mewlon 210 that sits atop an EM10 mount. It's pricey, but gives 8.3" of aperture that is very portable and easy to mount.


Randy Roy
Posted 11/08/2004 05:47AM #1
Hello Harold,
Randy just mentioned the LX-90. I've got one and it's pretty easy to handle. Packs up in the trunk of my car pretty well, too. But you'd likely be disappointed if you're accustomed to a 12" aperture. I've got aperture fever and would love to trade places with you. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side... wink