Tak FS102 diagonal

Started by TBUSH, 01/23/2003 02:55AM
Posted 01/23/2003 02:55AM Opening Post
I recently purchased a Tak FS102.
It is time to buy a high quality 2" diagonal.
Should I go with a Televue, Tak, Intes?
Your comments would be appreciated.
Posted 01/23/2003 04:25AM #1
Hello there Terry,

Well, think of the entire optical train. You've got one of the best doublet APO; so perhaps a 2" TV Everbrite or 2" AP Maxbrite maybe in order! For it matters if the locomotive is shiningly powerful, but you've got a train wrecked while
turning those dim photonic curve ;-). I've never regret
going to the wallet busting TV Everbrite!

Ron B[ee]