Image of the day

Captured by
Byron Davies

IC-1396 Elephant Nebula.

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Venus and Jupiter!

Started by wrroy, 11/05/2004 01:29PM
Posted 11/05/2004 01:29PM Opening Post
Wow! Did anyone else get up at 4:30 this morning to check out Venus and Jupiter? They are about 1/2° apart. What a beautiful sight! It reminded my why its nice to have a small refractor on an alt az mount for wide fields and quick peeks. I was set up in about 5 minutes and my FS78 was cooled down in about 20 minutes. With a 7mm T6 you could just get both planets in the same field. It was great to see Jupiter and the gibbous Venus again.

Saturn was high overhead and spectacular as usual. Having Saturn, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus overhead provided a great light show.

This would have made a great binocular view as well.


Randy Roy
Posted 11/05/2004 01:49PM #1
Yes! It was a very nice view. I looked up the identity of the less bright but close star, Porrima -- nice also to see the relationship to Arcturus and the Big Dipper.

Bob Polcyn
Posted 11/05/2004 06:32PM #2

Yes I was just leaving my house for work, when I noticed the pair. It was a wonderful Site. Wished I would have had time to take out my scope...


[COLOR="Blue"]Wayne[/COLOR] 8O
Never stop looking up!!

Takahashi TAO-130on a Losmandy G-11 Gemini 4
Williams Optics Zenithstar 105 APO on a G-8 Gemini 4 (Field setup)
ST2000XM with CFW10/L-R-G-B-Ha-SII-OIII filters
Home Built backyard Observatory
Understanding Wife.. 8)
Posted 11/06/2004 09:55AM #3
I caught the pair at 530am EST.

Digital Rebel @ 400 ISO - 10 sec exposure.

Attached Image:

J Poplin's attachment for post 84653
Posted 11/06/2004 09:58AM #4
At 600am EDT.

Same details as before - except 5 second exposure.

Attached Image:

J Poplin's attachment for post 84654