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0.965" eyepieces from Orion

Started by EdZ, 08/16/2002 03:04PM
Posted 08/16/2002 03:04PM Opening Post
This thread started over in the Equipment Forum.

About a year ago Orion must have been cleaning house of it's 0.965 plossls. I bought 3 on sale since I have a few old scopes that use this size. (One of these is the Orion Sirius 17mm plossl, one of the sharpest plossl eyepieces I've seen in this midrange. Sharpness to the edge better than 16Konig and 18SWA, just not as wide a field, but much better eye relief.)

Much to my surprise, the 0.965 Orion Sirius plossl is exactly the same as the 1 1/4" Sirius plossl eyepiece, (I own a couple duplicates of the 1 1/4"), but instead of the 1 1/4" sleeve it has a 0.965 adapter/sleeve screwed on. This adapter sleeve can be unscrewed from the Orion barrels and screwed onto almost every other 1 1/4" eyepiece in my box, turning them into 0.965 format. So for every eyepiece, up to about a 21mm field stop without vignetting, I can now use them in my 0.965 scopes. If you can get your hands on one of Orions 0.965 plossls, you'll only need one to increase the number of eps you can use in the 0.965 format by ten fold. The adapter fits my Celestron Ultimas, Celestron Plossls, Meade 4000s, UO orthos, UO Konigs and Meade SWA. Does not fit 30mm Ultima, Meade UWA, TV plossls or TV Radians.