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Caps for Tak LE's ?

Started by jeyjey, 05/27/2005 08:06PM
Posted 05/27/2005 08:06PM Opening Post
Does anyone know where to find top caps to fit Tak LE's (specifically the 7.5mm and 5mm)?

I store my EPs in a custom machined tray, so I don't use bottom caps (but of course those are easy to find anyway). Of course, this also means a bolt-type case won't work for me.

-- Jeff.
Posted 05/27/2005 08:22PM #1
Seems to me I read somewhere that the TeleVue caps for the 11mm plossl work, $1 a piece from Televue I recall. Double check before you buy!
Posted 05/27/2005 10:24PM #2
I found that a Kaiser 39mm lens cap fits the top end of the Tak 5mm LE eyepiece just fine. Check with ATWB to see if they carry them; if not, a local camera store might carry them or be able to get them for you.

FYI, the Kaiser lebs caps are made in Germany.
