Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Re: What are your 3 most used eyepieces?

Started by msholdenct, 05/11/2006 11:20PM
Posted 05/11/2006 11:20PM Opening Post
I have a TMB 115 CNC. It's an F7 scope. It's on a Losmandy Gm8 mount with G11 legs.

When I flew my scope to Florida for a vacation it was tough to weed down to 8 eyepieces.

But since this is three most used, and not the 3 you'd want if you were stranded on Gilligans Island...

Meade Series 4k 14mm uwa.
Nikon 7mm widefield
BO/TMB 4mm planetary

They're subject to change as my selection grows.