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18 starmaster f/4.3 but what to pay for it

Started by zbatt, 12/14/2022 04:34PM
Posted 12/14/2022 04:34PM Opening Post
So close to me i have a chance to buy a about 20 year old 18 inch stamaster f/4.3 with zambuto mirror. coating are in great shape and it has servocat, argo navis and shroud. The guy (second owner) rebuilt the rocker box and braced it with metal angle brackets. He is a woodworker and furniture maker. Comparing a 18 inch obsession to 18 inch starmaster the starmaster does seem to have a higher rocker box and mirror box. The argo navis has developed a hiccup that wasn't there before i am told. he thinks its just a battery problem but he is working on it.  He is wanting 8,000 for it. Has Sent me pictures and all looks very good including the rebuilt rocker box. He is the second owner. So what is a fair price to pay. I have done alot of looking for what others have sold for but was wanting more input from people to get a more rounded view of what to pay. Thanks for any help.
Posted 12/14/2022 10:19PM #1
Sounds good, except the asking price seems a bit on the tall side.....

20" MidnighTelescopes f/5
8" f/16 Muffoletto Achro
Meade 6" AR6 f/8.0 Achro
Celestron C11
Parallax PI250 10" F/5 Newt
Vixen FL102S,NA140SS,R200SS
80mm Stellarvue Nighthawk with WO APOupgrade lens, 90mm f/16.67 Parallax Achro
LXD75/LX200, Mini-tower, GP-DX, CG5 ASGT, LXD650, GM-8, G11, GM-100, GM-150EX, GM-200 and a Gemini G40
4" portable AP convertable 44" or 70" pier
Stellarvue M7 Alt-Az, TSL7 Pier/Tripod
12.5" f/5 MidnighTelescopes DOB Swayze optics
Monroe GA
Posted 02/18/2024 08:06PM #2
Used 20” Obsessions run around $4,000.
With the drives system that would add $1,500-2 maybe-but it’s quirky….The Zambuto is huge win though… I think $6,000 would be pushing it. 5.5k -5k might be what I think would be reasonable for a 20 year old 18” scope with a killer mirror.