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Refractor are great for wide field

Started by astroguy, 04/21/2002 05:37PM
Posted 04/21/2002 05:37PM Opening Post
As far as I am concerned Refractors are great for ide field observing. As far as up close and personal in planets a Dall Kirkham wins. Personally I have both mounted together to get the best of both worlds. When you want to look at a planet though a larger Dall Kirkham wins hands down over even a 9" refractor.
Posted 04/22/2002 12:53PM #1
Even though I flamed you for bashing SCTs before the forums changed, I admire your thinking here on this subject. I will be mounting my 152ED beside my beloved 12" LX200 OTA on my AP mount. You are going to hate me for this, but they will both be repainted white with tak green trim! Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery . . . I can't afford a 300mm Dall Kirkham so I will have to live with my 305mm SCT. BTW I can flatten its field and reduce its coma to below perception with my 40mm XL by threading my Lumicon Coma Corrector onto the front of my 2" diaganol. But still has 1/5 wave optics at best!!!!!