Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Some new pictures on-line

Started by mhosea, 05/24/2002 08:30AM
Posted 05/24/2002 08:30AM Opening Post
I posted a few more pictures of my 7" f/6.7 and also added some shots of a little refractor I made awhile back out of surplus optics. Maybe it's interesting. Sorry the scopes are black--sometimes it's hard to make out the details, but I like the look and feel of that textured black paint.

Look for the links on my homepage:

Posted 05/25/2002 02:18AM #1

Great looking scope. I am also in the process of making a 7" dob. I would be interested to know the particulars on the focuser, spider and primary and secondary mirror that was used. Also, what type of truss tubes did you use?


Steve Tatsumi