Holmes is Hanging On

Started by web0178230, 01/12/2008 10:15PM
Posted 01/12/2008 10:15PM Opening Post
[COLOR="Purple"]Was out lat night at the semi-dark site and comet Holmes was still seen with the naked eye. I had to know where to look but it was there for sure. Looked great in the 63mm binocs!
Bill [/COLOR]
Posted 01/13/2008 04:29PM #1

After I read your post, I looked last night and did indeed see Comet Holmes with the naked eye. The comet appeared very large and diffuse, brighter than M31 and rounder, not as long.

Rick W

8" Zhumell Dob
90mm f11 achro refractor
4-1/2 f4 rich field newt reflector