Image of the day

Captured by
Michael Kolstad

Heart Nebula, IC 1805

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Lulin shooting advice

Started by ivanong, 02/19/2009 12:42AM
Posted 02/19/2009 12:42AM Opening Post
Hi, I'm planning to try taking photos of the comet on Friday night but have no clue what the size is. I was thinking at 460mm FL with a DSLR should get most of the comet in? Or do I need to try my 200mm lens? Thanks a bunch,
Posted 02/19/2009 01:48AM #1
Ivan I would use the same set up you used for that wonderful Rosette Nebula photo. Martin

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few." Shunryu Suzuki[COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR]
Posted 02/19/2009 04:48PM #2
Let's get a little more specific here--Just how big is this comet, from one end of the anti-tail to the other end of the tail?

I have been googling trying to figure this out, but the only number I have (and I do not know if it is accurate) is that the head of the comet is 20 arc minutes--which at one third of a degree sounds awfully large to me.....I'm wondering if they meant arc seconds.

Having said that-- I need to figure out which camera/tube (or camera/lens) combination to use on this thing.
