Image of the day

Captured by
Byron Davies

IC-1396 Elephant Nebula.

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Started by aristaeus63, 07/23/2011 10:23PM
Posted 07/23/2011 10:23PM Opening Post
With NASA's future seeming uncertain right now, I'm hoping that changes, it's nice to see something cool like this. The ion propelled spacecraft, Dawn, arrived at Vesta last week and began orbiting it. It will stay at Vesta until next July. Then it will break orbit and head for Ceres. It arrives there is 2015.


DSOs observed:
NGCs 2005, ICs 103, Other 70, Palomar GCs 6, Abell PNs 12, Herschel 400: 316.
Celestron CPC 1100, Lunt 60mm Ha Solar Scope