Planetary Scoiety response to the NASA budget

Started by maurice clark, 02/13/2012 08:30PM
Posted 02/13/2012 08:30PM Opening Post
Hi All,

Here is the response from the Planetary Society to the decision to drastically cut the NASA budget for planetary science.

This is the worst attack on NASA planetary science since the Reagen years. If implimented, it will be a disaster for planetary exploration.


* Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a day.
* Teach a man to use the internet and he won't bother you for weeks.
Posted 02/13/2012 10:09PM #1
This is a sad day for the US and space exploration. It has been evident for a few years now. I routinely check this website to see what NASA is working on.

The number of under study missions is tiny. It seems that there not even thinking about the future.

The annual US food stamp / food program budget is over $75 billion. A significant percentage of that is fraud. If we eliminated the fraud, i.e. take away the benefit from those that don't actually qualify, we could easily fully fund NASA.


DSOs observed:
NGCs 2005, ICs 103, Other 70, Palomar GCs 6, Abell PNs 12, Herschel 400: 316.
Celestron CPC 1100, Lunt 60mm Ha Solar Scope