The Shuttle landed

Started by Lee_S, 08/21/2007 07:01PM
Posted 08/21/2007 07:01PM Opening Post
I'm glad that the shuttle landed o.k. and everybody came back in one piece. That vehicle is really starting to remind me of the old 1973 Opel GT that I drove back and forth to college. :S

I have several telescopes, but none are semi-APO, APO, or in anyway valuable.
Posted 08/21/2007 07:26PM #1
Amazingly little damage to the tiles that were of concern before reentry. Attached is a side by side of the damaged tile before and after rentry. Images from a USENET post.

On orbit image from:

A screenshot from NASA TV streaming video just a little while ago, cameraman was walking under Endeavour on the runway:


Attached Image:

kmichaelm's attachment for post 116293