Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

M42 Orion and Running Man Nebulae

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What is the best way to keep track of comets

Started by n2s-astronomy, 11/01/2007 04:37AM
Posted 11/01/2007 04:37AM | Edited 11/01/2007 04:38AM Opening Post
I was presently surprised by Comet Holmes. But, it has left me wondering about other know comets and when and where they may be paying a vist to the inner solar system. Can someone recommend good resource for tracking these objects?
Posted 11/01/2007 11:32AM #1
Hi Enrique

Here is a website that tracks visible comets -

Posted 11/02/2007 04:59PM #2
Hi Enrique,

Here is one website that I use a lot:

A wonderful resource for the comet observer.



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