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NGC4216 with supernova 2024gy

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Arctic Ice Expected to Hit New Low

Started by AlanFrench, 08/21/2012 12:17PM
Posted 08/21/2012 12:17PM Opening Post
Posted 08/21/2012 01:23PM #1
Off on a tangent: the British TV program "Top Gear" ran an episode 5 years ago in which the idiot hosts tried to drive a modified Toyota pickup to the North Pole. They proclaimed success when they hit 78 degrees north.

Several nations are scrambling to claim drilling rights to the ice-free Arctic Sea. As my wife put it re endangered species, "Why is it that they are either endangered or hunted?" I.e., why can't we just leave it alone?
Posted 08/21/2012 03:34PM #2
Alan French said:

Yea that is one thing about the climate, it changes, always has, always will. Sometimes warmer, sometimes cooler. And these changes are reflected in the polar ice packs as well. They expand and contract following along with the whims of the climate cycles. Nothing new here!

Doug Matulis
"I need something to put here, can you help? wink "
Posted 08/28/2012 12:47AM #3
Alan French said:

Here's a follow-up, in case any one is interested:

"A wise man, ... proportions his belief to the evidence."
-David Hume