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If you died tomorrow...

Started by Wolfstar, 09/16/2012 10:52PM
Posted 09/16/2012 10:52PM Opening Post
Wouldn't you just love your republican presidential nominee to baptise you as a Mormon?

I know I would! wink

It is what it is...
Posted 09/16/2012 11:03PM #1
Posted 09/17/2012 01:01PM #2
It wouldn't make a bit of difference.

Mark Costello
Matthews, NC, USA

"I hear you're mechanically inclined. Did you ever do anything with perpetual motion?"

"Yeah, I nearly had it a couple of times."
Posted 09/17/2012 03:21PM | Edited 09/17/2012 04:18PM #3

On more than one occasion, you've tried to defame Romney's religion, seemingly in the hopes of "revealing" something nasty about him to Christians here.

#1 That's kind of low
#2 What makes you think that Christians are ignorant of Mormon beliefs?
#3 We're voting for a President, not a Pastor.

Posted 09/17/2012 04:24PM #4
Those tricky economic and foreign affairs issues Obama is facing must be just to much to put your head around so you go after Romney's faith........typical move bro... salvation is between me and God not me and Romney. Last I looked he was running for president not my spiritual mentor.

Eternity is a long time to be accept Jesus as your Savior.
Posted 09/17/2012 06:10PM #5
Tony Aguire said:

Wouldn't you just love your republican presidential nominee to baptise you as a Mormon?

I know I would! wink


So what is wrong with Obama being a Muslim?

Pots meet kettles wink

It is what it is...