Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

Horsehead Nebula IC 434

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That reminds me...suggestion for astromart

Started by mhosea, 04/20/2002 07:18AM
Posted 04/20/2002 07:18AM Opening Post
Noticed that somebody had to put in an ad to get feedback because they had deleted the ad before.

I used to just delete my ads when I had a sale but stopped for this reason. Should/could we have an option to mark an ad inactive even though its time has not run out yet? ...or is there some feature or procedure I'm missing.
Posted 04/20/2002 01:53PM #1
If you're logged in you're able to modify the ads you've placed and then you can just put **SOLD** in the subject line.

The other option is to go ahead and delete the ad...the person can STILL rate you, all they have to do is click on "User Ratings" over there on the left of the screen and type in your name or email address and your ratings will come up along with a little link that allows them to rate you for each ad they've responded to.
