Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Campaign mode - rally the base time

Started by JJM, 08/08/2009 02:21PM
Posted 08/08/2009 02:21PM Opening Post
President Obama is coming to town! But not just any town, it's a place where he received a whopping 35% of the vote last November. The cover story for the visit is that he plans to showcase a local health care system that is delivering quality care and keeping costs reasonable. But why would Dear Leader pick an obviously unfriendly venue to try to make a high-profile statement? My guess is his handlers are planning on trouble, protests, and controversy and will use any incidents during the visit to try and rally their base. Obama among the great unwashed, ugly rednecks and hicks who aren't even smart enough to know they need his help. Of course those hicks and rednecks have created a model health care delivery system, but with enough bad press we can ignore that detail. grin

Too Machiavellian? Too Cynical?

Jim McSheehy
Posted 08/08/2009 02:55PM #1
James McSheehy said:

But why would Dear Leader pick an obviously unfriendly venue to try to make a high-profile statement?

What, you'd rather he show up in an environment that is completely friendly, all lovey-dovey and already in the bag for him? If he did then you and your buddies would be blasting him for using the same tactics as his predecessor.

Posted 08/08/2009 10:41PM #2
"Obama among the great unwashed, ugly rednecks and hicks who aren't even smart enough to know they need his help."

Hmmm...and Democrats wonder why they don't get more support... wink

I have several telescopes, but none are semi-APO, APO, or in anyway valuable.