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mikhail vasilenko

NGC4216 with supernova 2024gy

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How about times and flight numbers too

Started by tomrod, 03/24/2004 12:43AM
Posted 03/24/2004 12:43AM Opening Post
AP Associated Press

>>> ... President Bush said Monday that he would have acted more quickly before Sept. 11 "had my administration had any information that terrorists were going to attack New York City on Sept. 11."

This is the Bu$h equivalent of "I didn't have sex with that woman (only a BJ)."

Bu$h didn't have information about the exact time and place, but according to his terrorism expert, Clarke, there was an increased amount of intercepted communications indicating that an attack was imminent. It was the same information that put the Clinton administration on high alert which may have prevented an attack on LAX at the time.

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