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TULIP time redux

Started by jameslbrown, 07/28/2010 09:10PM
Posted 07/28/2010 09:10PM Opening Post

Earlier I posted this summary of Calvinism by Eric:

Eric Gage said:

By way of information, for those whose curiosity may have been piqued by an earlier reference to Calvinism, the 5 core doctrines are:

1. Total depravity: see other thread
2. Unconditional election: God's offer of salvation is not based on any merit on the part of the individual.
3. Limited Atonement: God does not make this offer to all. "I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy."
4. Irresistable Grace: The elect cannot refuse the offer--God's will trumps human will.
5. Perseverence of the Saints: Once saved, always saved.



I've read most of your posts in the previous thread, and it seems to me that you would agree with Eric's summary. So here is a question that I've been puzzling over. You and I (and others) have gone round and round over the years about salvation through works or salvation through faith alone. I thought that you were firmly and entirely in the salvation by faith camp. If I understand the ULIP parts of Eric's TULIP acronym however, even faith is not necessary. Either God picks you and you are saved or God skips you and you are not, and there is not a dang thing (faith, works, etc.) that you can do about it. So the whole works v. faith argument becomes moot if this is entirely in God’s hands.

So, am I missing something?

Or are you not a Calvinist after all, since in the past I believe that you have argued salvation through faith alone?

Thanks, Jim