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ST-8 Wide Field Question

Started by Chris1, 04/16/2005 02:11AM
Posted 04/16/2005 02:11AM Opening Post
I don't know if this question should be here or in "Equipment" but here goes. How successful has anyone been in using an ordinary 35mm camera lens attached to a ST-8 for wide field imaging? I see it is possible but I must be looking for results in the wrong place as I can't find a good website featuring this setup. I am seriously considering buying an ST-8XME for my C8 and C11 but want to do wide field imaging too. I have a wide assortment of Zuiko prime lenses that I would like to use. I am going kicking and screaming into the digital age (I keep telling myself the way of the future is digital) and don't want to make the wrong pruchase. I am WAY behind in my knowledge base of digital imaging so I guess it time to get into the 21st century.
Posted 04/16/2005 04:34AM #1
Chris, The ST-8 will work fine with many 35mm camera lenses if you have the correct adapter for the particular brand of lens. A problem occurs when you try to use the color filter wheel. Many lenses will not come to focus on the ST-x cameras with the SBIG color filter wheel. Nikon ED lenses will but Canon EOS lenses won't. I'm only aware of a color filter face plate for Nikon ED lenses. A Canon EOS prototype would not come to focus with the CFW-8 wheel but the new CFW-10 is thinner and may work. I can't comment on other makes.

Focusing the lens will also be tricky. The critical focus zone for wide field lenses is so small that is "difficult" to hand turn the focus ring and achieve fine focus. Robofocus is the way to go to solve this problem.

Two sites that really show what can be done with Nikon camera lenses on ST-x cameras are Steve Mandel's site at: and especially John Gleason's site at: Steve's site describes a Robofocuser setup and a faceplate for the ST-x cameras and Nikon lenses.

I hope this helps - Cal