Image of the day

Captured by
Phillip Jones

Cygnus Region

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Blue Festoon

Started by Jim Phillips, 05/03/2005 07:35PM
Posted 05/03/2005 07:35PM Opening Post
on Jupiter. FYI

TMB 8" F/9
3X Barlow
10:42- 10:45 PM EDT May 2, 2005 (2:42- 2:45 UT May 3, 2005)
Seeing 7/10
Atik Color camera, Registax, Photoshop.

Jim Phillips

Attached Image:

Jim Phillips's attachment for post 23923
Posted 05/03/2005 08:43PM #1

Beautiful and very well presented!! Jupiter is putting on a show this year.

Paul Maxson

Paul Maxson
Moderator - CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System
Celestron C14, Mewlon 250, Orion EON120, ASI120MM, Flea3.
Posted 05/03/2005 09:19PM #2
Jim -

That is an excellent image, full of detail with a very natural, "unprocessed" look.

That festoon is incredibly large and shows up well visually - you have done a good job at capturing it.

Posted 05/03/2005 10:16PM #3

That's a fantastic image! I was observing Jupiter around the same time with a Starmaster 20". We had unusually good seeing and the blue festoon and several ovals were just like your image. Quite a sight!
Posted 05/03/2005 11:25PM #4
Beautifully done Jim with your usual excellent processing.

Clear skies,

Ed Roach
Posted 05/04/2005 01:59AM #5
remarkeble great festoon Jim (and very nice image), just imaged the same region but seeing wasn't cooperating
best regards Jan
Posted 05/04/2005 02:35AM #6
Hi Jim,

Beautiful! image, I like those blue festoons.
The best visual view I have ever had of Jupiter was with an 18" Obsession I had about five years ago and I don't think I will ever forget the beautiful blue festoons that were showing that night.


Wes Higgins