Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Jupiter May 9, 2005

Started by Jim Phillips, 05/10/2005 08:51PM
Posted 05/10/2005 08:51PM Opening Post
well a number of us were out imaging last night! That's great. Here's mine.

TMB 8" F/9
3X Barlow
Seeing 8/10

Jim Phillips

Attached Image:

Jim Phillips's attachment for post 24096
Posted 05/10/2005 10:03PM #1
Hi Jim -

These came out very well. I notice you are using the TMB 8" for most of your recent work. Are your other big guns taking some time off?


Alan Friedman
Posted 05/11/2005 02:48PM #2
Hi Jim,

It seems it was a great night for everyone, very nice.


Ed Roach
Posted 05/11/2005 08:42PM #3
Great shots Jim! 8)

Ivan Gastaldo 8)
Coconut Creek, FL

Ivan's Observatory
Lat 26N 16' 48" Long 80W 10' 48"
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CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky - Moderator
I like to complain about everything - Moderator
Posted 05/12/2005 01:18AM #4
Hi Jim,

Very! nice images.


Wes Higgins