Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Jupiter this morning

Started by Jim Phillips, 03/30/2005 01:40PM
Posted 03/30/2005 01:40PM Opening Post
Hello All,
I could not get to sleep so I went outside about 12:30 AM. Glad I did. The seeing was pretty good but there was a thick haze, that was getting worse, so I had to drop down from a 3X barlow to a 2.5X Powermate. FYI.

TMB 8" F/9
2.5X Powermate
Seeing 8/10. Thick Haze.
1:01- 1:04 AM EST March 30, 2005 (6:01-04 UT March 30, 2005).
Atik color camera, Registax, Photoshiop.

Jim Phillips

Attached Image:

Jim Phillips's attachment for post 23164
Posted 03/30/2005 01:48PM #1
Neat image Jim. I love the deep colors of Jupiter's boring side! I feel for you about the haze. I had the same problem last night.


Posted 03/30/2005 07:49PM #2
Hi Jim,

Great image, very detailed with excellent processing.


Wes Higgins
Posted 03/30/2005 10:13PM #3
Hi Jim,

A very nice image, lucky you couldn't sleep.

Clear skies,

Ed Roach

Posted 03/30/2005 10:45PM #4
Well, still no sleep. I was 0only able to salvage one image that i made with the 3X barlow FYI.
12:57- 1:00 AM EST March 30, 2005 (5:57- 6:00 UT March 30, 2005).

Jim Phillips

Attached Image:

Jim Phillips's attachment for post 90062