Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Jupiter this morning

Started by Jim Phillips, 04/10/2005 06:59PM
Posted 04/10/2005 06:59PM Opening Post
The seeing was much better than the clear sky clock predicted (usually it is just the opposite).

TMB 8" F/9
3X Barlow
Atik color camera, registax, Photoshop


Jim Phillips

Attached Image:

Jim Phillips's attachment for post 23372
Posted 04/10/2005 08:22PM #1
Hi Jim -


I have the same experience with the CSC. Except that on those rare times when the seeing is better than predicted, I always find out from someone else!!


Alan Friedman
Posted 04/10/2005 09:13PM #2
Hello Jim,

Awesome image. You took your picture when the GRS was in almost the same position as when I took mine.

Posted 04/10/2005 10:13PM #3
Hi Jim,

Terrific image with very nice details. I hope the CSC is as wrong for me tonight as it was for you this morning. grin

Clear skies,

Ed Roach
Posted 04/11/2005 12:14AM #4

Nice image, and wonderful colours!!


Paul Maxson
Moderator - CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System
Celestron C14, Mewlon 250, Orion EON120, ASI120MM, Flea3.
Posted 04/11/2005 02:43AM #5
Hi Jim,

Beautiful image with good detail.


Wes Higgins