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Captured by
Alexander DiNota

Horsehead Nebula IC 434

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WebCam Autoguiding

Started by tomlicha, 03/10/2003 06:00PM
Posted 03/10/2003 06:00PM Opening Post

has anyone suceeded to guide a LX200 compatible mount with a Philips ToUCam Pro? What is the limit in magnitude of the guide star? Which software used?

Posted 03/10/2003 07:24PM #1
See my post under User Photos. I'm doing just that. and it does work!

Currently I'm waiting for my Quickcam 3000. This should be much more sensitive then the Quickcam Express i'm using now. I can reach mag 5 on and etx90 guiding my lx200. If I had a reducer for the 90 I would probably get mag 8 but I'm hoping the QC 3000 will reach mag 10. If not I can allways rig it for long exposure like the Philips.