Eta Carinae

Started by walkabout, 03/18/2009 05:33PM
Posted 03/18/2009 05:33PM Opening Post
Here is a shot I took of Eta Carinae at the Winter Star Party.
Know if any of you were there you know how the clouds and wind
was. Clouds in and out all night and the wind would get up to 25 mph.
This was taken with a Takahashi 102 refactor with the reducer on it,
Pentax 6X7 camera,Kodak E-200 film and a 40 minute exposure.
Not the greatest picture of this object. This was cropped,lighten a little,
and the dpi were reduced to fit this formate.
I have several more to post later,if you like.
Comments welcome

Attached Image:

walkabout's attachment for post 46116
Posted 03/18/2009 10:12PM #1
Please post some more film images. I like them. Maybe it is like vinyl sound vs digital sound. smile