Image of the day

Captured by
John Greenlee

LDN 984

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Started by walkabout, 02/10/2009 04:19PM
Posted 02/10/2009 04:19PM Opening Post
Here is one of the Horsehead Nebula,not real found of it,
but I though I would post it anyway.
Don't know if the lab messed up or the seeing that night wasn't
that great about a 7. Lots of ice crystal in the air.
This is a 40 minute exposure on Fuji Provia 400 RHP111.
Takahash TSA-102 scope,Pentax 6X7 camera.
Comments welcome

Attached Image:

walkabout's attachment for post 45586
Posted 02/10/2009 10:59PM #1
Hi August,

As was pointed out, it really is a bit too magenta. Not sure if that is a result of the processing or the scanning.

I took the liberty of playing around with it in Photoshop. The results are below. Mostly it came out quite well, except for the bright stars. Could not get them to be the correct blue.



Attached Image:

maurice clark's attachment for post 128172

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