Image of the day

Captured by
Gerald Elkin

Roseate Spoonbill

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M-8 & M-20

Started by walkabout, 08/24/2008 06:45PM
Posted 08/24/2008 06:45PM | Edited 08/24/2008 06:47PM Opening Post
Here is one of my 1st photos with a TSA-102 with a reducer on it.
Pentax 6X7 camera,Fuji Provia 400 film 35 minute exposure.
Taken on 8-1-08
Slide was scanned with an Epson 3200 scanner,it is as scaned all I
did was reducer the dpi for this site.
Yes the camera is over kill.
Comments welcome

Attached Image:

walkabout's attachment for post 43408
Posted 08/25/2008 12:57AM #1

Great image. I sure miss the old film days and this kind of stuff.
