Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

M42 Orion and Running Man Nebulae

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Started by Spartan, 05/09/2005 04:06PM
Posted 05/09/2005 04:06PM | Edited 05/15/2005 03:17PM Opening Post
Here is my first film image using an autoguider (webcam) instead of my self. I also used my new f5 10 inch newt with Fugi Superia. I got about 5-6 arcsec fwhm. I think it was pretty good considering th guiding resolution was 2"/pixel and seeing usually 3 or 4 Arcsec.

From heavily light polluted location 1/2 mile from Michigan State campus. Processing done with my laptop so may look funny on regular monitors.


Attached Image:

Spartan's attachment for post 24057
Posted 05/09/2005 09:00PM #1
Hi Eric,

Looks pretty good, though I can see a little bit of elongation of stars in the direction of upper-left to bottom-right. Maybe a little bit of polar misalignment? You caught a galaxy in the upper-right-hand corner also..very nice. Do you know which one that is?

Processing looks fine...little bit of graininess but that looks fine. What film did you use? What's the exposure time? Do you have a coma-corrector on your newt?

Thanks for sharing,