Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

M42 Orion and Running Man Nebulae

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Started by jim renard, 06/18/2005 09:43PM
Posted 06/18/2005 09:43PM Opening Post
This is a photo of m16 on e200 same scope as m33 and rosette commets welcome 6&7 format thanks jim renard

Attached Image:

jim renard's attachment for post 25036
Posted 06/20/2005 02:34PM #1
nice shot, Jim.

Posted 06/26/2005 08:58PM #2
1) Yes, very nice.

2) And, very red. Is that the native E200 rendition or is it filtered or processed?

3) What scope, mount and drive did you use? How long was the exposure?
Posted 06/29/2005 03:00AM #3
Jim - great shot! What kind of camera?