Image of the day

Captured by
John Greenlee

LDN 984

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Perseid metoer shot from early 8/12/05

Started by ccwoodruff, 08/18/2005 12:35AM
Posted 08/18/2005 12:35AM Opening Post
Finally got my images back from the shop after spending 2 hours last Thursday night trying to image the Perseid Meteor shower. Only had 3 images out of 8 with any meteors present but it was fun to try. This image is the best using a Nikon F2, 50mm at f2.8 and Fuji Supra 800 film for 15 minutes. Kinda cool that it caught m31, m33 and the double cluster...
Chris Woodruff

Attached Image:

ccwoodruff's attachment for post 26168
Posted 08/19/2005 02:12PM #1
Yes, this is an excellent image!
I love the the galaxies!!! smile
(ok, and the Perseid too!)

Posted 08/19/2005 02:14PM #2
hey, I don't have my charts with me here at work.. so what is the red nebula in the mid-upper left side of the pic?
