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Ronchi screen question

Started by JeffinMd, 05/26/2005 03:59PM
Posted 05/26/2005 03:59PM Opening Post
I see these screens available from optics houses. Could I simply attach/insert one against the ground screen in the viewfinder? Between the (I'm on a Nikon F2 for referance.)

I was thinking about making a simple setup with a loupe and the screen I could temporarily hold/attach against the film rails, then focus, then load & shoot. If the screen in the viewfinder would work, that would be a heck of a lot better!

Obviously, I'm trying to save money here. If that wasn't the case, I'd just get an STI.

Thanks for any input / suggestions.
Posted 05/27/2005 12:13AM #1

My guess is, film rail is still a better place to put the Ronchi screen.

If you attach one against the ground screen, the image of the Ronchi fringes will form right on the ground screen and will be extremely small to see. In this case, all you need is a good loupe or microscope to see the image. Using a Ronchi screen or not doesn't matter any more.

This is just my guess. You can still try it. It will be nice if this turns out working well.


Wei-Hao Wang
Posted 05/30/2005 07:00PM #2
If you want to save money, get a simple loupe and put it agains the finder screen. As for the putting the Ronghi grating at the film plane and then loading the camera, etc. No, there are too many complications, including that you will have to unload the film for the second exposure because exposure shifts with temeperature.
