Image of the day

Captured by
Alexander DiNota

M42 Orion and Running Man Nebulae

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Thankyou Paul! was only aware of 20% of that!.

Started by barf, 11/18/2002 11:42PM
Posted 11/18/2002 11:42PM Opening Post
You have opened new area's of research reading(and subsequent manufacturing of more masks!). I did put the cutout circles EXACTLY at the furthermost edge of aperature sides using dial verniers to measure dew shields minimum inside diameter and subtracted the OT & cell diameter so that holes just "touched" edge of aperature. I noted the "triangle" and dual "slot" language on the improved mask web sites but thought it was restricted to CCD systems. Must now go back square one and reread all those Hartmann sites. :-) I certainly appreciate your knowledge sharing on diameter of holes etc. & will RE-READ YOUR INFO MANY TIMES to make sure all you have said has penetrated!. I work with limited frontal lobe volume due to age & having performed self-lobotomy too many times.... :-) Thankyou again Paul. -Larry
Posted 11/18/2002 11:50PM #1
One more tidbit if I may...

Attach a "remove before flight" banner to the masks!!! A 2" wide x 2' long (or so) strip from an old white window shade secured with a dollop of glop from a hot-glue gun works well.

I *can't* even begin to count how often I shot myself in the foot by NOT remembering to remove the mask when taking the actual shots. Granted, it's far easier to muck up during film-based shots (where you have no immediate feedback) than digital images, but still a pain in the arse never-the-less!

Since attaching a streamer to each mask, I've not shot myself once (ouch... I shouldn't jinx myself like that!), as it's hard to miss, even in the dark!

Hope this saves you a little of the angst I've gone through!
