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Three star trails from this summer

Started by flusk, 10/27/2014 05:06AM
Posted 10/27/2014 05:06AM Opening Post
2014 was not a very productive year, astrophoto-wise. We only did two camping trips the summer (one to Courtright and one for Glacier Point), instead of the usual three or four. Scattered night-time clouds during both camping trips further limited the number of shots I could take.

Here are three star trails I took this summer with my OM-1N and OM-4T cameras. I still use 35-mm cameras for star trails and some wide-field piggyback images. Star trails especially are much easier with film than with digital. My film of choice is Fuji Provia 400 slide film because it renders emission nebulas with a nice bright red color. The first image I took at Courtright Reservoir, at 8200 feet in the SIerra Nevada east of Fresno, CA. The last two images I took at Glacier Point (7200' elevation) in Yosemite National Park. The center of both images is the iconic Half Dome. The landscape is dimly illuminated by a nearly first quarter Moon. The bright lights on top of Half Dome are from hikers who are not supposed to be up there after sundown.

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Posted 10/27/2014 05:06AM #1
Wide angle view from Glacier Point.

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flusk's attachment for post 148881
Posted 03/23/2015 09:33PM #2
Here is a small selection of other star trails from my archive, I have more, but these are among my favorites.

This one is from Courtright Reservoir (2007), this time looking south at the bulge of the Milky Way. The brightest trail is Jupiter. The bright light is from a vehicle heading towards our site.

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