2014 was not a very productive year, astrophoto-wise. We only did two camping trips the summer (one to Courtright and one for Glacier Point), instead of the usual three or four. Scattered night-time clouds during both camping trips further limited the number of shots I could take.
Here are three star trails I took this summer with my OM-1N and OM-4T cameras. I still use 35-mm cameras for star trails and some wide-field piggyback images. Star trails especially are much easier with film than with digital. My film of choice is Fuji Provia 400 slide film because it renders emission nebulas with a nice bright red color. The first image I took at Courtright Reservoir, at 8200 feet in the SIerra Nevada east of Fresno, CA. The last two images I took at Glacier Point (7200' elevation) in Yosemite National Park. The center of both images is the iconic Half Dome. The landscape is dimly illuminated by a nearly first quarter Moon. The bright lights on top of Half Dome are from hikers who are not supposed to be up there after sundown.
Here are three star trails I took this summer with my OM-1N and OM-4T cameras. I still use 35-mm cameras for star trails and some wide-field piggyback images. Star trails especially are much easier with film than with digital. My film of choice is Fuji Provia 400 slide film because it renders emission nebulas with a nice bright red color. The first image I took at Courtright Reservoir, at 8200 feet in the SIerra Nevada east of Fresno, CA. The last two images I took at Glacier Point (7200' elevation) in Yosemite National Park. The center of both images is the iconic Half Dome. The landscape is dimly illuminated by a nearly first quarter Moon. The bright lights on top of Half Dome are from hikers who are not supposed to be up there after sundown.
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