Image of the day

Captured by
Mark Eby

NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Guess Another

Started by mrvolvo, 08/31/2011 08:55PM
Posted 08/31/2011 08:55PM Opening Post
It seems you guys need a real challenge. See if you can identify this car. (And I'm giving you a rather large part of the car to work with.)

Attached Image:

mrvolvo's attachment for post 54014
Posted 08/31/2011 10:33PM #1
late 60 early 70 Ferrari thats my guess.
Posted 09/01/2011 01:01AM #2
This is a tough one. I'm temporarily stumped. wink

I have several telescopes, but none are semi-APO, APO, or in anyway valuable.
Posted 09/01/2011 04:10AM #3
Is it a Renault Alpine? 8O

I have several telescopes, but none are semi-APO, APO, or in anyway valuable.
Posted 09/01/2011 04:56PM #4
Here's another photo, with a key bit of information.

Attached Image:

mrvolvo's attachment for post 141803
Posted 09/01/2011 07:58PM #5
Abarth zagato had to do some digging for that one.