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Granite Gap Astronomy Sites

Started by JJM, 10/07/2010 07:15PM
Posted 10/07/2010 07:15PM | Edited 10/07/2010 07:15PM Opening Post
A developer is offering a bunch of 1/3 acre camping/RV sites in SW New Mexico near the Arizona border. They're calling the project Granite Gap, and the covenants are dark sky friendly. The sites are offered on a 99-year lease and have septic, electricity, and internet hookups.

Sounds great, but is it too close to the Mexican border?

Jim McSheehy
Posted 10/09/2010 12:54PM #1
Jim McSheehy said:

A developer is offering a bunch of 1/3 acre camping/RV sites in SW New Mexico near the Arizona border. They're calling the project Granite Gap, and the covenants are dark sky friendly. The sites are offered on a 99-year lease and have septic, electricity, and internet hookups.

Sounds great, but is it too close to the Mexican border?

It's actually quite a distance from the border, just 10 miles or so south of I-10. I've observed from the area and the skies are quite good, although there may be a light dome from Lordsburg to the north. My main concern with the development is whether they can fulfill all the glorious promises for an observatory, golf course and other improvements. I don't for a minute doubt their sincerity or competence, but those are some pretty ambitious goals.
Posted 10/26/2010 10:19PM | Edited 10/27/2010 01:18AM #2
What's the concern with the border? If it's 65 miles or 650 miles from the border it's still in the United States. That's not the only astronomy based community in that area and I've never heard of any border problems from the other sites. I plan on visiting the community in a few weeks and having a look around. Martin

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