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Mouse Guns?

Started by Lee_S, 01/18/2008 05:51PM
Posted 01/18/2008 05:51PM Opening Post
Little pocket pistols in .25, .32, and .380 caliber like the Berretta (Model 21), Keltec (P32, P3AT), and Bersa (Thunder .380)? What do you guys think? Good for CCH permit holders, mechanically interesting, fun to shoot 8) ---OR--- a really good way to inadvertently perforate your foot? shocked

I have several telescopes, but none are semi-APO, APO, or in anyway valuable.
Posted 01/18/2008 07:06PM #1
Fun to shoot???? I'm not sure that any of these are something I would class as "fun". The sight radius (if you can call them sights) is short, they are really light weight (recoil exaggerated), and they don't fit my hand.....I don't like to shoot them any more than needed to be confortable with them.

I really only own one of this class - an older AMT "Backup" in .380. If you are going to carry - these are comfortable to have on you. I just don't think the caliber or pistol is suitable for more than a backup weapon - or something you might carry in very low risk situations. In my opinion, they are better than nothing, as the sight and sound would likely do what is needed and end the threat of a noncommitted attacker - but if you really needed it I think it would let you down.
