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South African Ammo

Started by SocalDarkSkies, 02/19/2009 05:19PM
Posted 02/19/2009 05:19PM Opening Post
I'm looking for some "inexpensive" target/range ammo for casual shooting circumstances and noticed Herb has some South African .308 (7.62x51mm) ball on the Anacortes web site. $79 for 140 rounds (56ยข a round). Does anyone have experience with this stuff? Is it smokey, particularly dirty, does it jam or misfire often? Are the cases brass or zinc plated?

I'm not looking for 1" at 100 yard accuracy but it would be nice to be somewhere on the paper at that range and the price of this ammo makes it easier to justify an occasional 20 round burst -- just for fun. I would be running this through an M1/M14 (for fun only -- not for hunting or home defense). Any thoughts?


Posted 02/19/2009 08:02PM #1
I have shot some of the South African 5.56mm ammo, and whileI don't recall the specifics you were asking about, I made a note to myself to buy more when and if I found it

Posted 02/20/2009 03:14AM #2

With the price of ammo going nuts lately, I can sympathise with you on the cost involved each time you pull the trigger. I too have been searching for the least expensive ammo for plinking and target practice, but I have made a personal commitment to shooting only USA made ammo. When I pick up a box of .45 ACP or .45 Long Colt ammo in a store, the first thing I look for is its origin. (Yes, I'm typing this on my Chinese made computer, but I didn't have any other option and I wince every time I turn the dang thing on.)

Today I finally took the last option for reducing the cost of recreational shooting and started reloading (again). Since I sold off all my good reloading gear 25 years ago, I had to start from scratch, but I think it will be worth it. Not only can I shoot cheaper, but I can taylor my ammunition for better accuracy and my own shooting habits; all made with USA components on USA made equipment. It's also kinda fun too.