Lathrop Intermediate School Astronomy Club

Started by Dave, 07/23/2004 11:32PM
Posted 07/23/2004 11:32PM Opening Post
In the last school year we formed an Astronomy Club at the school where I teach. We've had three star parties and weekly meetings. The students earn "Star Bucks" for article reviews, entries in their Observation Journals, and participation. At the end of last year, two students won some nice binos. for their efforts.
Our shortcoming is the lack of equipment we have to check out for home observations.
Checking out new equipment isn't prudent, so I'm asking for any donations of used equpiment.
I will provide a receipt from my school district as proof of a tax-free donation.
We are in real need of used binos. or small, portable telescopes, but any equipment can be put to use.
These students do not have many resources at home. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Thanks for considering us!!
Dave Perry
Teacher-Astronomy Club Adviser
Lathrop Intermediate School
Santa Ana, Ca.
Posted 07/23/2004 11:35PM #1
Thank you Stanley Lombardo, fellow Astromarter, who donated two nice eyepieces to the Lathrop Astronomy Club. Sincerely, Dave